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Safety shoes safety purposes
Update time:2016-09-06 08:20:03 Click Num:4146Use safety safety shoes
Oil resistant safety shoes area for places to splash oil or oil; waterproof safety footwear for the ground water or splashing workplace; work shoes for foot protection cold cryogenic operating personnel, to protect against frostbite.
Anti-piercing safety shoes for foot protection, and prevent all kinds of sharp or hard objects stabbed.
Anti-smashing labor protection is the main function of the anti-falling objects foot. Former Baotou safety shoes are impact resistant material.
Steel safety shoes main function is to prevent burns, stab cut, should be able to withstand a certain static pressure and a temperature resistant, non-flammable. Such safety shoes suitable for smelting, blast furnace and cast iron.
Apart from the above there are some special cover supporting the use of safety shoes, such as canvas, asbestos, aluminum materials safety shoes cover.
Safety shoes should be chosen according to the nature and degree of harm hazardous work environment. Safety shoes should be product certification and product brochures. Before using the control conditions should be used to read the instructions, using the method to be correct. Special protective safety shoes should be checked and kept clean after use and stored in a clean, dry place
Selection and use of safety shoes
(1) In addition to labor footwear must choose the appropriate type according to the operating conditions, it should also fit, people feel comfortable to wear, it is important to carefully select the right number of safety shoes.
(2) have a protective non-slip design, not only to protect the feet from injury, but also to prevent operator accidents caused by slipping.
(3) performance of various safety shoes, to achieve their protective properties of technical indicators, such as not to be injured toes, soles of the feet are not hurt, insulated conductive requirements.
(4) prior to use safety shoes to carefully check or test, the electrical and acid-base operations, broken and cracked protective shoes are dangerous.
(5) Safety shoes after use to keep, use water or disinfectant rinse and dry the rubber safety shoes used to extend the service life.